
Sculptra Treatment in Pittsburgh, PA

Sculptra is a new injectable to fight wrinkles and sagging skin by increasing the production of collagen, which helps restore the suppleness of youthful skin. The treatment is an alternative anti-aging solution to injectable dermal fillers, skin creams, fat injections, and implants. Collagen is a collagen polypeptide that is a structural protein in connective tissue. It helps to keep the skin firm, youthful, and smooth. Collagen production decreases with age, and as a result, you may begin to see wrinkles. The loss of fat underneath the skin can cause drooping skin, hollow cheeks, indentations, and depressions in the face.

Sculptra stimulates your skin’s natural collagen regrowth over time, resulting in a firmer, younger-looking appearance as it helps to correct shallow to deeper wrinkles and folds. Sculptra is essentially a collagen stimulator. Sculptra does not provide the filler action; it triggers a reaction in the skin, forming new collagen. Sculptra is absorbed by the body and is gone about two years after a treatment, but the new collagen layer left behind may last for up to two years. In most cases, Sculptra Injectable in Pittsburgh, requires several treatments to provide adequate volume.


Sculptra is composed of poly-L-lactic acid, a biodegradable molecule, so it does not harm the body and is easily broken down and absorbed. We use a very effective topical numbing agent to numb the skin before the injections. The Sculptra powder is also reconstituted with water and lidocaine, so you will feel more numb as the injections are being done. Most people are surprised at how comfortable the treatments are.

On average, a minimum of three treatment sessions are needed over several months. The number of injection sessions and the length of time between sessions vary from person to person. Older patients, thinner patients, and patients who exercise extensively may require more product or more treatment sessions.

You should avoid taking the following medications for at least 7 days before your injections to minimize bruising:

  • Any type of anti-inflammatory medication – including Aspirin, Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Aleve, etc.
  • Any kind of Omega-3 supplements such as fish oil, flaxseed oil, etc.
  • Vitamin E

You can also take Arnica to help prevent bruising. We offer arnica tablets at The Spa at Aestique. Start the pills (one tablet 3 times a day, dissolved in your mouth rather than swallowed whole) 3-7 days before your treatment, and continue the pills until any bruising is gone. This will cut the healing time significantly.

We will send you home with an ice pack and recommend you ice the treatment area off and on for at least the first 24-48 hours.

Most IMPORTANT: Rule of 5’s: Massage the areas injected for 5 minutes, 5 times daily, for 5 days. This is critical to prevent the formation of nodules – we want to keep the Sculptra particles dispersed in the tissue rather than allowing too much collagen to form in one spot.

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