
How Long Does A PDO Thread Lift Last?

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PDO Thread lifts are now gaining popularity as an alternative to conventional facelifts due to their advantages, including no surgical cuts, reduced costs, less scarring, rapid recovery, and safety. It also offers long-lasting results compared to facial injections like botulinum toxin injections and dermal fillers, which usually don’t last a year. Immediately after the appointment, the skin will appear firmer and more supported.

Two to six months after the appointment, the results will get an extra boost as collagen production ramps up. During this period, the skin in the treatment area will begin to take on a smoother, fresher, more youthful appearance. However, every patient is different, but thread lift results can last for as long as 18 months, and follow-up treatment can be scheduled when the results begin to wear off.

What Are PDO Threads?

PDO Thread treatments, also referred to as thread lifts, offer comprehensive lifting and tightening, often associated with a surgical facelift. The treatment involves the placement of suture material threads just beneath the skin. Once those threads are in place, they support the skin below, offering an immediate lifting effect.

Not only that, once in place, these threads stimulate collagen production in the weeks after the appointment, giving that smooth and plump effect on the face. That said, this unique treatment provides an immediate lift and longer-term smoothing and rejuvenation.

How Does A Thread Lift Work?

This rejuvenating treatment works in two ways, on which the first one is relatively straightforward. The doctor can pull the skin tight around the forehead, neck, or torso by threading thin, dissolvable sutures underneath the skin.

Invisible, painless “barbs” grab onto the skin, ensuring the thread grips the underlying tissue and muscles as it is pulled tight. The body’s healing response is then triggered once the barbed thread is inserted. Although threads did not inflect injuries under the skin, the body detects a suture material and stimulates collagen production in the affected area.

Which Skin Concerns Can Be Treated By PDO Thread Lift?

This simple treatment can treat many of the same concerns addressed by a conventional facelift. Below are some aging concerns that the PDO thread lift can treat. 

Fine Lines and Wrinkles

The skin’s existing framework begins to deteriorate in the mid to late 30s; hence thread lift can address those static wrinkles caused by the breakdown of collagen proteins in the skin. By doing so, the collagen productions make the skin smooth, give a more youthful appearance, and address fine lines and wrinkles, appearing in most faces, jawlines, and necks.

Loose Skin

Collagen breakdown can also result in skin laxity, which usually appears around the mouth, under the eyes, neck, and jawline. A PDO thread lift can treat mild to severe skin laxity, while its post-treatment collagen production adds additional lift, mostly providing long-lasting results.

Face Shape

With age, the general shape and contour of the face may change. With PDO thread lift it gives subtle adjustments to the shape of the face as the skin is being tightened, which means enhancing the cheekbones, smoothing the jawline, or rounding the chin. In one simple appointment, the patient could see years taken off the appearance. 

What To Expect During A PDO Thread Lift?

The non-surgical thread lift treatment can take 45 minutes to 1 hour. To avoid discomfort, a local anesthetic will be administered to the areas being treated. The provider will then insert the threads below the skin’s surface with a fine needle or cannula. 

Once inserted, the threads will be manipulated in such a way to tighten, lift, as well as position the tissue to address the needs and give the best and most natural-looking result. Reports say that the sensation during this part of the treatment can be described as strange but not painful.

Following the procedure, some bruising, swelling, and soreness in the treated areas may be expected, but the skin also may start to feel tight. It will also take 2-3 weeks for all tenderness to subside entirely and for everything to heal. Some dimpling may also occur, or in other words, the skin may not appear as smooth as expected to be immediately following treatment, which is completely normal and will improve on its own in that 2-3 weeks timeframe. 

Also, a “pop” under the skin may occur, resulting from the barbs of the threads embedded in the tissue. The use of extra-strength Tylenol and icing can help the treated area for about 2-3 days following the thread lift to minimize any soreness or discomfort and swell or bruising. The patient should ensure not to put any pressure on the face for about 2-3 weeks post-treatment, as well as avoid strenuous exercise and excessive sweating, the sun, dental appointments, and extreme facial expressions in the given healing timeframe.

What Are The Common Target Areas That PDO Thread Lift Can Address?

As many people choose a thread lift for saggy areas on the face, here are the specific areas it can help address: 

  • Eyebrows
  • Cheeks
  • Neck
  • Jawline
  • Crow’s feet
  • Nasolabial fold
  • Around the mouth
  • Naso jugal folds
  • Thighs and abdomen
  • Hands and arms

Who Can Receive This PDO Thread Lift?

The overall health should be good, with realistic treatment expectations. Those 40 to 55 years of age with moderate laxity of the cheeks and chin and well-developed but drooping malar pads are good candidates for this non-surgical procedure. Also, this rejuvenating treatment is ideal for those who want to enhance the appearance of their upper arms, thighs, and tummy.

What Is The Recovery Time After The PDO Thread Lift?

As the face could be bruised and swollen right after a thread lift, this should subside after a few days. In addition, some pain or numbness can also be experienced. It is advised to sleep or rest with an elevated head to reduce swelling.

After the surgery, it’s better to have someone drive you home, as well as someone who could help out the first day after the treatment and ensure only to eat soft foods within a week. Normal activities can resume immediately or after three to seven days, depending on the patient’s type of job. Those bruises can be easily covered with makeup if not gone after a week.

Thus, it is also suggested not to rub, tug, or contort the face for the first three weeks as part of the thread lift aftercare. Keep in mind that the body will dissolve and absorb the threads via hydrolysis nine months post-procedure. However, the length of recovery may vary from person to person due to different thread facelifts before and after conditions.

Is PDO Thread Lift A Safe Procedure?

Thread lifts treatment is a safe option that won approval from the FDA in 2018, with its material, polydioxanone, which has been safely used in cardiovascular surgery for years. 

The Bottom Line

The facelift was once the only reliable way to turn back the clock, but you can now get that smooth, tightened, and youthful skin thanks to the PDO thread lift. The Spa at Aestique offers NovaThreads made up of small, fully absorbable sutures made of polydioxanone (PDO), a synthetic biocompatible material long used in surgical settings. NovaThreads come in various sizes and shapes that the expert injector can combine with other injectables to create a customized treatment plan.

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