
Kybella Injections in Pittsburgh, PA

Aestique® is always looking for the newest proven cosmetic treatments to offer our patients. We are excited to announce that we are now offering FDA-approved Kybella Treatment in Pittsburgh, to help with under-chin fat. This non-surgical treatment contours and improves the appearance of submental (under the chin) fullness. With this procedure, we can eliminate that double chin with nothing more than a few injections at a reduced cost of its surgical counterpart.

This area has proven resistant to diet and exercise, whether that double chin was caused by weight gain, aging, or genetics. Kybella works by injecting the fat underneath your chin. The active ingredient, deoxycholic acid, is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath your chin, Kybella destroys those fat cells. Those cells can no longer store or accumulate fat – they are permanently removed.

Benefits of Kybella


Kybella cosmetic injectables can reduce the appearance of years – and pounds – off your face in only a few months.

Kybella injections are administered into the chin fat to eliminate fat cells, resulting in an apparent reduction in fullness under the chin. These cells, once destroyed, are unable to store or amass fat anymore, so more should not be necessary once you’ve achieved your desired look.

The total number of Kybella treatments needed will vary, depending on the areas being treated and your situation, but 3-6 sessions are often recommended, spaced at least one month apart.

Following your treatments, you may notice some temporary bruising, slight swelling, or redness at the injection sites, which should subside within a few hours.

Post-treatment restrictions are similar to that of dermal fillers. You can return to normal activities immediately, but you will want to avoid strenuous exercise for the next few days.

You can alleviate any discomfort from the injection with an ice pack and/or Tylenol.

You will begin to see a change after only a few visits. You will notice a taut, thinner, youthful appearance. Once you have reached your desired aesthetic outcome, re-treatment is not expected.

Alternative Treatments

Kybella is performed in-office and typically takes 15-30 minutes. Multiple injections are performed during each session

In some cases, liposculpture may best address your submental fullness. While one of the least invasive surgical procedures, submental liposculpture is still considered surgery in which you must undergo an anesthetic and recovery time. Another option is a facelift. While a facelift can tighten the skin around the chin, it will not actually remove the fat in that area. At your consultation, Dr. Lazzaro can recommend the best treatment plan that is right for you.

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