The Power of Permanent Makeup: Wake Up with Flawless Features at Aestique Medispa

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Putting makeup on every day takes time in the process of getting ready. Some makeup doesn’t have the power of permanency against sweat and water, which can be frustrating. However, the world of cosmetics has the magic to create semi-permanent makeup! 

What is a Permanent Makeup? 

Permanent makeup or micropigmentation is a technique that involves depositing pigments into the upper layers of the skin to mimic the appearance of makeup. It is designed to provide long-lasting results and can be applied to various areas of the face, such as eyebrows, eyeliner, and lips.

The permanent makeup process typically involves a trained professional using a handheld device containing fine needles to implant the pigments into the skin. Before the procedure, the technician will discuss the desired outcome with the client and choose suitable pigments that match their skin tone and preferences.

Some typical applications of permanent makeup include:

  1. Eyebrows: Permanent makeup can fill in sparse eyebrows, reshape them, or create a more defined arch. The pigments are applied to mimic the appearance of natural eyebrow hair.
  2. Eyeliner: This technique involves applying pigments along the lash line to enhance the eyes. It can range from a subtle, natural-looking enhancement to a more dramatic and defined line.
  3. Lips: Permanent makeup can add color and definition to the lips. It creates the illusion of fuller lips, corrects unevenness, or enhances the natural lip color.


Microblading is a semi-permanent makeup treatment for natural-looking brows, so you can throw away those eyebrow pencils and gels because microblading does the job of perfectly shaped eyebrows. 

In microblading, the eyebrows can either be defined or enhanced. It can add volume and fill in gaps through a type of artistry where pigment is implanted under your skin manually or by a handheld tool. The treatment can create an illusion of drawing fine hair-like strokes to mimic natural hair. It gives a 3-dimensional appearance for a better shape and definition. 

Why should you choose it? 

  • Convenience: Permanent makeup can save time and effort in daily makeup application. For individuals with busy lifestyles, limited dexterity, or conditions that make applying makeup challenging, such as arthritis or vision impairment, permanent makeup can be a convenient solution. It eliminates the need to spend daily on eyebrow filling, eyeliner application, or lip color.
  • Enhanced Features: Permanent makeup can enhance and define facial features. It can help achieve symmetrical and well-shaped eyebrows, create the appearance of fuller lips, or make the eyes more prominent with defined eyeliner; this can be especially beneficial for individuals with sparse eyebrows or those who have lost their natural eyebrow hair due to medical conditions, such as alopecia or chemotherapy.
  • Cosmetic Corrections: Permanent makeup can address cosmetic concerns and correct imperfections. It can help camouflage scars, balance asymmetrical features, or correct the appearance of uneven lip color or eyeliner. It provides an opportunity to achieve a desired aesthetic look and boost self-confidence.
  • Active Lifestyle: For individuals who lead active lifestyles, such as athletes or those who frequently participate in water-related activities, permanent makeup can be a practical choice. It remains intact during activities like swimming, exercising, or sweating, unlike traditional makeup that may smudge or wear off.
  • Allergies or Sensitivities: Some individuals may have allergies to conventional makeup products. Permanent makeup eliminates the need for daily makeup, reducing the risk of adverse reactions. However, discussing any known allergies or sensitivities with the technician beforehand is essential to ensure the pigments used are suitable.

Suitable candidates 

Permanent makeup can be suitable for individuals with specific needs or preferences. However, it is essential to note that suitability can vary based on individual factors, and it is always recommended to consult with a trained professional to assess your specific case. Generally, suitable candidates for permanent makeup may include:

  • Individuals with Sparse or Thin Eyebrows: Permanent makeup can be an excellent solution for naturally sparse or thin eyebrows. It can help fill in the gaps, reshape the eyebrows, or create a more defined appearance.
  • Individuals with Alopecia or Hair Loss: People who have lost eyebrow hair or eyelashes due to conditions like alopecia or undergoing medical treatments such as chemotherapy may benefit from permanent makeup. It can help restore the appearance of eyebrows, eyeliner, or lip color, boosting self-confidence.
  • Athletes or Active Individuals: Those who engage in sports or activities involving frequent sweating or water exposure may find permanent makeup advantageous. It remains intact during physical activities, eliminating the worry of smudging or running makeup.
  • Individuals with Allergies or Sensitivities: Some individuals may have allergies or sensitivities to traditional makeup products. Permanent makeup can be a suitable alternative as it reduces the need for daily makeup application and lowers the risk of adverse reactions.
  • Those Seeking Cosmetic Corrections: Permanent makeup can be used for cosmetic corrections, such as balancing asymmetrical features, camouflaging scars, or correcting the appearance of uneven lip color or eyeliner.


Before the Procedure:

  • Consultation: You must have an initial consultation with a trained professional specializing in permanent makeup. You will discuss your desired outcome, preferences, and any concerns or questions during this consultation. The technician will assess your skin tone, facial features and discuss the appropriate pigments to achieve the desired results.
  • Patch Test: A patch test may sometimes be performed to check for allergic pigment reactions. A small amount of the pigment is applied to a small area of your skin and monitored for any adverse reactions over some time.
  • Preparations: Before the procedure, following any specific instructions the technician provides is crucial, which may include avoiding certain medications or substances that can thin the blood, such as aspirin or alcohol. It is also advisable to avoid excessive sun exposure, tanning beds, and any facial treatments or procedures that may irritate the skin.

During the Procedure:

  • Numbing: Before the procedure begins, a topical numbing cream may be applied to the treatment area to minimize discomfort. The cream typically takes some time to take effect.
  • Pigment Application: The technician will begin depositing the pigments into the skin using a handheld device with fine needles or a tattooing machine. They will follow the predetermined design and color discussed during the consultation. The technician will work precisely and carefully to achieve the desired shape and symmetry.
  • Multiple Sessions: Depending on the complexity of the design and the area being treated, multiple sessions may be required to complete the permanent makeup. Each session allows the pigments to settle and the skin to heal before further enhancements. Typically, there is a gap of a few weeks between each session.

After the Procedure:

  • Healing Period: Following the procedure, the treated area may appear slightly swollen, tender, or red. It’s essential to follow the professional’s aftercare instructions, including avoiding direct sunlight, saunas, swimming pools, or excessive sweating for a specified period. It is usual for the color to appear darker immediately after the procedure, and it will lighten over time.
  • Touch-Ups: Permanent makeup is not genuinely permanent and will fade over time. Touch-up sessions may be necessary every few years to maintain the desired look, depending on individual factors and preferences. These touch-ups help refresh and maintain the color and shape of the permanent makeup.
  • Long-Term Care: Protecting the treated area from prolonged sun exposure by using sunscreen or wearing a hat is essential. Proper skincare routines should be followed, and harsh chemical peels or treatments should be avoided as they can cause premature fading of the pigments.

Throughout the process, choose a reputable medical spa that will not leave you hanging. Choose Aestique Medispa and contact them to reserve a microblading session! 

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