Laser Treatments

Sciton BBL Laser

Forever Young Photofacials, Forever Bare and Forever Clear treatments, as well as other laser treatments at our Greensburg / Pittsburgh Medical Spa, can beautify and rejuvenate your face and body. At The Spa at Aestique®, we are leaders in using new laser treatments in safely removing hair, wrinkles, and unsightly veins, as well as revealing a supple layer of skin free of sun damage and other signs of aging.

We use BBL technology. BBL is the world’s most powerful IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) device on the market. It sets new standards in treating skin conditions associated with aging, active lifestyles, and sun damage. The light energy delivered by BBL will gently heat the upper layers of your skin. The heat absorbed by the targeted areas will stimulate your skin cells to regenerate. This process will restore your skin to its natural beauty, making it look clearer, smoother, vibrant, and more youthful-looking.

BBL energy allows your provider to treat age and sun spots, small facial veins, and many other skin conditions. We will tailor your treatment plan to match your skin type and your desired results. BBL has solutions for your skin concerns:

  • Freckles and age spots
  • Small blood vessels and rosacea
  • Acne
  • Aging Skin
  • Loss of firmness

*Elective cosmetic procedure results vary. Outcomes are unique to each individual, and providers offer no guarantees regarding results.

Laser Treatments

Sciton BBL Laser

Forever Young Photofacials, Forever Bare and Forever Clear treatments, as well as other laser treatments at our Greensburg / Pittsburgh Medical Spa, can beautify and rejuvenate your face and body. At The Spa at Aestique®, we are leaders in using new laser treatments in safely removing hair, wrinkles, and unsightly veins, as well as revealing a supple layer of skin free of sun damage and other signs of aging. We use BBL technology. BBL is the world’s most powerful IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) device on the market. It sets new standards in treating skin conditions associated with aging, active lifestyles, and sun damage. The light energy delivered by BBL will gently heat the upper layers of your skin. The heat absorbed by the targeted areas will stimulate your skin cells to regenerate. This process will restore your skin to its natural beauty, making it look clearer, smoother, vibrant, and more youthful-looking. BBL energy allows your provider to treat age and sun spots, small facial veins, and many other skin conditions. We will tailor your treatment plan to match your skin type and your desired results. BBL has solutions for your skin concerns:
  • Freckles and age spots
  • Small blood vessels and rosacea
  • Acne
  • Aging Skin
  • Loss of firmness
*Elective cosmetic procedure results vary. Outcomes are unique to each individual, and providers offer no guarantees regarding results.
Laser Treatment |Aesthque Medi Spa | Greensburg | Pittsburgh

Forever Young

Skin & Wrinkle Resurfacing

Worried that your freckles, age spots, or rosacea make you look older and less radiant? With Forever Young BBL, they will be a thing of the past! The Forever Young BBL treatment is an innovative technology that uniquely delivers light therapy targeting the signs of aging and sun damage and effectively provides a more refreshed, rejuvenated, and youthful appearance. The light energy produced by BBL will gently heat the upper layers of your skin. The heat absorbed by the targeted areas will stimulate your skin cells to regenerate. This process helps restore your skin to its natural beauty. Forever Young BBL treats a wide variety of conditions. Forever Young BBL removes age spots, freckles, redness, small vessels, and more for skin rejuvenation.

Costs of Forever Young Photofacial:

*Please note that these are approximate fees.

Will require medical consultation before treatment. After your consultation, we will determine the exact fee based on your needs and requirements.  

Full Face

Full Face & Neck

Full Face, Neck & Chest

Forever Bare

Hair Reduction Treatment

Human hair grows nearly everywhere on the body except few areas like feet soles. The hair can be fine and almost invisible, or very coarse and dark. Depending on personal preference and social norms, women and men opt to remove hair from certain body areas as a part of their beauty routine.

Forever Bare BBL from Sciton is a revolutionary technology in hair removal. Traditionally, hair removal devices apply all of their energy to any given area all at once. Forever Bare BBL provides a safe, fast, effective, and comfortable treatment by sending multiple lower pulses at a high repetition rate. The motion BBL technology allows for extremely even heating of the hair follicles and minimizes missed areas with traditional hair removal devices.

In addition to the motion BBL technology, the thermoelectrically cooled sapphire plate on the Forever Bare BBL handpiece provides continuous cooling, even at maximum power, to keep the skin cool and comfortable before, during, and after treatment.


Multiple size adapters allow the user to treat large areas quickly and small areas precisely. Smoothie adapters soften the edges of the treatment head to make the treatment more comfortable when using the motion technique.


By gradually increasing the follicle’s temperature to therapeutic levels and keeping the skin protected with cooling, Forever Bare BBL can effectively treat various types of skin color & type.

Small Area

(Includes chin, Upper lip)

Medium Area

(Includes bikini, Beard, Axilla)

Large Area

(Upper / Lower Arms/Legs/Abdomen/Back, Bikini)

Large Plus

(Full arms/Legs/Abdomen/Back)

Small Area

(Includes chin, upper lip)

Medium Area

(Includes bikini, abdomen, chest, beard, axilla)

Large Area

(Includes arms, legs, back)

Large Plus

*Please note that these are approximate fees.

Will require medical consultation before treatment. After your consultation, we will determine the exact fee based on your needs and requirements.

**Elective cosmetic procedure results vary. Outcomes are unique to each individual, and providers offer no guarantees regarding results.

Forever Clear

Acne Treatment

Forever Clear BBL is a cutting-edge acne treatment that uses the power of light to comfortably and effectively clear acne without creams or medications. BBL is the world’s most powerful device delivering light energy deep into your skin to help treat acne, leaving you with clear, healthy, and more radiant-looking skin. The way it works is that the skin is first treated with a Blue BBL light to eliminate acne-causing bacteria at its source, deep down in the pores. The skin is then treated with Yellow BBL light to reduce the inflammation and acne-associated redness to give you healthy, luminous skin. For an added benefit, the skin is then treated with Infrared light in rapid, gentle pulses to initiate the body’s natural healing process.

Forever Clear BBL can be used on the face, neck, and back areas. Treatment can take as little as 15 minutes, depending on the size of the areas treated. You can expect to see improvement after just one treatment, but treatment time and the total number of treatments needed vary from patient to patient. After treatment, you may experience some redness that fades within a few hours. Most patients can wear makeup and resume normal activities immediately. Your provider will go over specific instructions at the time of your treatment.

Full face $315

**Elective cosmetic procedure results vary. Outcomes are unique to each individual, and providers offer no guarantees regarding results.


Welcome to Aestique Medispa – Your Premier Moxi Treatment Destination!

Are you ready to unlock the secret to timeless beauty? Discover how Moxi, the innovative laser skincare treatment, can transform your skin and enhance your confidence at Aestique Medispa.

In the ever-evolving world of skincare and aesthetics, staying at the forefront of technology is crucial to delivering the best results for our clients. We’re thrilled to introduce Moxi, the latest breakthrough in laser skincare treatments, now available exclusively at Aestique Medispa’s Wexford location. If you’re looking to rejuvenate your skin and achieve that coveted youthful glow, Moxi might just be the answer you’ve been searching for.

What is Moxi, and What is it Used For?

Moxi is a cutting-edge fractional laser treatment designed to address a variety of skin issues. It provides a versatile solution for ALL skin types and various conditions, and can be used year-round. Whether it’s fine lines, wrinkles, or uneven skin tone and texture, Moxi targets and improves common skin imperfections that can arise from sun exposure, environmental stressors, and the natural aging process.

Benefits of Moxi Treatment:

Improved Skin Texture: Moxi’s fractional laser technology creates micro-columns of targeted thermal energy in the skin. This process encourages the development of collagen and elastin, which are essential for maintaining youthful, plump, and smooth skin. As collagen and elastin production increases, you’ll notice a gradual improvement in skin texture, reduced appearance of pores, and a more refined complexion.

Enhanced Skin Tone: Uneven skin tone, sunspots, and pigmentation irregularities can make your skin look aged and tired. Moxi helps address these concerns by breaking down excess pigment and encouraging the growth of new, healthy skin cells. The result is a more even skin tone and a radiant, rejuvenated, and refreshed complexion.

Minimal Downtime: One of the standout features of Moxi is its minimal downtime. Unlike other laser treatments requiring several days of recovery, Moxi boasts a relatively short recovery period. You might experience some mild redness and peeling, but these effects are temporary and usually subside within a few days, allowing you to return to your daily routine sooner. If your practitioner suggests a stronger treatment, there is a level 3 that will yield a longer downtime and excellent results.

Versatility: Moxi’s versatility is another reason it’s gaining popularity in aesthetic medicine. We can design a treatment that meets your needs, whether you’re targeting specific areas of concern or looking for an all-over skin refresh. Our skilled practitioners will work closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your goals.

Long-Lasting Results: While you might start seeing improvements after just one Moxi session, the best results often come from a series of treatments; we recommend three treatments 4-6 weeks apart. The collagen and elastin production triggered by Moxi can continue improving your skin’s appearance over time, giving you long-lasting results that keep getting better.

Experience Moxi at Aestique Medispa:

At Aestique Medispa, we’re committed to providing the latest and most effective treatments to help you look and feel your best. Moxi is just one of the many tools in our arsenal that can help you achieve your skincare goals. Whether you’re looking to combat signs of aging, rejuvenate tired skin, or enhance your natural beauty, Moxi’s advanced technology can deliver remarkable results.

Your Journey with Moxi:

Begin by scheduling a consultation for a Moxi Treatment with your skincare specialist. Together, you’ll craft a tailored treatment plan aligned with your skincare goals. Your practitioner will usually suggest the number of sessions needed, go over the timeline to realize your objectives, and offer guidance on pre and post-treatment care. Before-and-after photos are captured to track your progress.

The Moxi Experience During the Treatment

As the specialist moves the Moxi laser over your skin, you might experience a mild warmth, indicating the laser is at work. Moxi generates tiny coagulation areas in the skin. Your body instinctively heals these areas, replacing the impaired cells with fresh, radiant skin.

Key Highlights:

Quick Treatment: A typical face treatment lasts only 12-15 minutes (excluding numbing time). A topical anesthetic is applied approximately 30-45 minutes before the procedure.

Minimal Downtime: Downtime is generally limited to a single day, depending on your chosen treatment level. For Level 3 treatments, expect a slightly longer downtime of 5-7 days (makeup can be worn 24 hours after treatment).

Treatment Intervals: Moxi treatments are typically spaced 4-5 weeks apart.

Visible Results: Noticeable improvements appear within 5-7 days.

Number of Treatments: We recommend 3-4 sessions for optimal results.

Post-Treatment Care

Your post-care regimen is simple: Apply a hydrating physical sunscreen and avoid direct sunlight. Makeup can be worn 24 hours post-treatment.

The day following the Moxi procedure, your skin might look reddish, and based on the intensity of your treatment, you might notice tiny dot-like marks termed “mends” at the laser-treated areas. As these microzones heal, they’ll darken and develop a coarse texture. These mends will naturally shed between the 3rd and 5th days, unveiling the rejuvenated skin underneath.

Cleanse your skin gently every morning and evening. Keep your skin moisturized, and use your preferred physical sunscreen for protection.

Looking for an even more polished result? Try BBL with Moxi; it’s a game-changer! BBL and Moxi are like a tag team for your skin. BBL utilizes advanced light energy to target pigmentation irregularities, sun damage, and vascular concerns, leaving your skin clearer and more even-toned. When combined with Moxi, which enhances skin texture and overall complexion, you address a wider range of concerns in one powerful treatment combination.

Are you ready to experience the transformative effects of Moxi? Schedule a consultation with us today, and learn more about how Moxi can help you achieve radiant, youthful skin. Our skilled team is dedicated to guiding you on your skincare journey, guaranteeing you the individualized care and attention you deserve. Reveal your best skin with Moxi at Aestique Medispa!

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